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Here we have put together a series of resources for those interested in reproducibility. The materials included are classified by language, content and type - use the filters below to view only content that is relevant to you. We try to keep this list up to date, but we can't find every interesting resource out there. If you would like to recommend a resource, please write to

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Passport to Open Science

ciência aberta

This guide is designed for PhD students to learn how to adhere to open science practices throughout the development of their theses.

Handbook The Turing Way

pesquisa colaborativa

This guide to collaborative, open and reproducible data science is designed for interested people, regardless of their previous contact with the topics. The organization of the chapters allows the reader to be guided by stage of the research or by their role in the project, for example.

SciELO Preprints

acesso aberto

Multidisciplinary preprint platform.

Brazil's Common Research Data Repository - DepositaDados (IBICT)

dados abertos

Repository of research data maintained by the Brazilian Institute of Information on Science and Technology (IBICT).

Portal do grupo NEPER, USP


O portal recomenda diversos artigos e vídeos (em inglês) voltados especialmente para boas práticas em desenho experimental e análise estatística.

Brazilian Manifesto in Support of Open Access to Scientific Information

acesso aberto

The manifesto lists recommendations to the scientific community organized by actors, such as research institutions, researchers, funding agencies and publishers. The document encourages the development of a national policy for open access to scientific information, not just restricted to full articles but also including data and other research products.

Open Science: Principles and Practices

ciência aberta

Detailed syllabus for implementing general courses on open science for undergraduates through to postdocs and other science professionals.

Emerging Research Information - EmeRI

acesso aberto

Plataforma de preprints desenvolvida em uma parceria entre Ibict e ABEC (Associação Brasileira de Editores Científicos)


dados abertos

Data repository maintained by CNPq and available to all researchers funded by the agency.

Common Repository of Brazil - Deposita

acesso aberto

Repository of publications maintained by the Brazilian Institute of Information on Science and Technology (IBICT).

Open Science Taxonomy: revised and expanded

ciência aberta

O artigo reúne e revisa os termos e conceitos comumente associados a 'ciência aberta', propondo uma estruturação taxonômica para eles.

USP Declaration of Support for Open Science

ciência aberta

The declaration highlights the responsibility of public universities to guarantee open access to information and science and emphasizes the importance of transparency in improving reproducibility in research. The declaration also lists the fundamentals of Open Science at the institution, with an emphasis on open access but also including the promotion of citizen science, responsible use of evaluation metrics and the promotion of good practice, ethics and research integrity.

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